Monday, August 24, 2009
Letter from IRB

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bubur Lambuk Kinrara

This one is prepared by Surau Taman Kinrara...the one that I like..It is light but filling and also very tasty :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Rahsia ClickBank Review: Read This First!
Gobala Krishnan and Zamri Nanyan recently launched their "Rahsia ClickBank" product, which you can find here:
I'm writing this review to let you know exactly what this product is about, and how you can benefit from it.
Rahsia ClickBank is a product designed for Malaysians. As you might know, until middle of 2008 ClickBank was closed to all Malaysians. Some Malaysians however found a "backdoor" method of getting an account. In fact, Gobala himself published an e-book called "Chapter-M" a few years back teaching you exactly how to do it.
Now that the opportunity is open for Malaysians, ClickBank is becoming a very hot topic indeed. In Rahsia ClickBank, Gobala and Zamri talk about how to make money with very little traffic and no blog. According to their explanation, most "super affiliates" who make a lot of money from ClickBank don’t just start a blog to promote the products, and expect the sales to come in.
They use very different strategies that enable them to maximize their CB commissions. Three of those strategies are covered a lot in Rahsia ClickBank; using landing pages, pre-selling and also finding targeted traffic. Other strategies covered include how to find profitable ClickBank products, how to build an email list and also how to promote related products to maximize sales.
However, the ebook itself is just a small portion of the entire product. The main part of Rahsia ClickBank is they provide you with ready-made ClickBank affiliate websites that you can use right away, even if you have no experience in Internet marketing. The websites are professionally designed and contain accurate, well-written product reviews that are designed to sell. All you need to do, according to them, is enter your ClickBank ID.
Looking at the websites provided, I can say that I was quite shocked. The designs are really quite good, and the product reviews are also very professionally done. According to the Rahsia ClickBank sales page you can use this to make money even if you have bad English - I certainly hope so!
I've also read some forums and overall the response seems to be good. The sales page says that the price may be increasing soon, so I recommend that you get Rahsia ClickBank from this link:
If you don’t want to do any work at all, they also provide a service where they give you web hosting and do all the installation work for you. They will even customize the web design with your own domain name and put in your ClickBank ID where necessary.
Overall, I think Rahsia ClickBank is a very well done package. I'm pretty sure they you can really use this to make money from ClickBank, if you use their ready-made websites and follow the step-by-step guide. Get it from here:
When Money Is Not Your Servant...

According to an Italian proverb, "When money is not your servant, it becomes your master." Failure to handle money properly can cause all sorts of headaches. To what degree money can enhance our lives depends more on how we intelligently use the money we have than on how much we earn.
Two powerful ways to handle money: both are equally effective. The first powerful way is to spend less than you earn. The second powerful way is to earn more than you spend. That's all there to the money game. Use only one of these powerful principles, and you will have handled money successfully.
Handling the small expenditures is just as important as handling the large ones. Benjamin Franklin cautioned, "Beware of little expenses: a small leak will sink a great ship."
..taken from a book "101 really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting".
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Could I look into your eyes...?
"Could I Have This Kiss Forever"
Over and over I look in your eyes
you are all I desire
you have captured me
I want to hold you
I want to be close to you
I never want to let go
I wish that this night would never end
I need to know
Could I hold you for for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
Over and over I've dreamed of this night
Now you're here by my side
You are next to me
I want to hold you and touch you taste you
And make you want no one but me
I wish that this kiss could never end
oh baby please
Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
I don't want any night to go by
Without you by my side
I just want all my days
Spent being next to you
Lived for just loving you
And baby, oh by the way
Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
Friday, August 14, 2009
Haliza terkilan tidak dapat peluk erat Ustaz Asri pada saat akhir

Haliza yang ditemui di kediamannya di Kampung Bukit Lanchong, Shah Alam, menceritakan detik-detiknya bersama suami tercinta pada pagi sebelum arwah meninggal.
"Saya mulanya tak percaya... Yelah, arwah meninggal pada pukul 11.05 pagi, pukul 10 pagi tu saya masih bersama dia. Masa tu dia memang nampak tak sihat, dia pun ada kata dia pening-pening.
"Arwah ada sakit gastrik, kencing manis dan gout, pagi tu dia cuma minum air madu dengan limau... Lepas tu dia ada muntah-muntah.
"Saya suruh dia berehat dulu... Tapi dia komited dengan kerja dan dia nak jugak pergi kerja.
"Bila dia dah keluar, dia sampai kat stesen minyak Mobil, dia telefon saya dia kata: "Ummi, tolong hantar Abi kat pejabat lah, Abi tak larat."
"Saya kata saya tak kisah, jadi saya pun memandu sampai ke Mobil tu, lepas itu bawa kereta dia dan hantar dia sampai ke pejabatnya di Bukit Sentosa. Lepas tu dia ada singgah di Shell, dia masuk bilik air, lama jugak dia kat dalam tu, jadi saya pun pergi ketuk tanya dia ok ke tidak?, dia kata dia ok.
"Bila dia keluar dari tandas tu, dia suruh Azadan ambil barang-barang dia masukkan dalam van. Masa tu jelah saya sempat tengok wajah dia dan tak ada apa-apa berlaku ketika itu," kata Haliza.
Namun, kesedihan Haliza tidak berakhir di situ sahaja, dia turut menceritakan kenangan manis antaranya dengan arwah pada malam sebelum arwah meninggal ketika mereka menghabiskan masa bersama berdua.
"Sebelum ni, dia selalu sibuk dan tak ada masa, tapi malam semalam dia 'call' saya dia kata" Abi dah on the way balik, kita makan kat luar jom?." Saya pun kata: "Ok lah, Ummi pun lapar..."
"Masa tu dia kata: "Mintak apa saja". Jadi kami pun makan di kedai, lepas balik makan malam tu, kami 'spend time' tengok tv bersama... Malam tu 'nice' sangat," kata Haliza dalam keadaan senyum namun masih ada kesedihan diraut wajahnya.
Meskipun mempunyai waktu untuk bersama suami yang dicintainya, namun Haliza menyatakan dia masih rasa terkilan kerana tidak dapat memeluk suaminya itu dengan erat seperti biasa yang dilakukannya.
..sumber dari mStar.
Klip video "Pergi Tak Kembali" buah tangan Allahyarham bersama Rabbani :
"Aku adalah pengejar syurga akhirat, bagiku dunia ini adalah tempat mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk meraih syurga akhirat; aku yakin bahawa syurga akhirat tidak akan pernah dapat aku raih kecuali aku boleh menikmati syurga dunia terlebih dahulu. Maka rumah dan keluargaku adalah syurga dunia paling indah buatku. Tempat kerja syurga dunia harianku. Tetangga, masyarakat,dan bangsa adalah syurga duniaku yang lebih luas. Ke manapun dan sampai bila-bila pun syurgaku selalu bersamaku."...asrirabbani.blogspot.com
Thursday, August 13, 2009
How To Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time
Besides staying in touch with friends, it is also a business tool. Barrack Obama's presidential campaign kept supporters and volunteers in touch and Gordon Brown's office keeps Briton informed on politics. But more than that, business are using it to interact with customers and other businesses in a whole new way.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Types Of Landing Page
A reference landing page presents information that is relevant to the visitor. These can display text, images, dynamic compilations of relevant links, or other elements. Reference landing pages are effective if they meet the objectives of their publishers, which may be associations, organizations or public service entities. For many reference landing pages, effectiveness can be measured by the revenue value of the advertising that is displayed on them.
A special type of 'reference landing page' is the 'webvert', the marketing goal focuses on lead generation and interaction with the visitor. A webvert is not 'transactional' in nature. A webvert is a reference based, ethical landing page. The webverts consists of an advert, deigned on the AIDA principle. The traffic is driven from Google Adwords and is designed for two specific marketing tactics;
1) To attain high Google Adwords landing page quality scores, the benefit being any Adwords campaign costs are minimized.
2) The webvert has a clear call to action, usually a reply form.
The visitor traffic is immediate as the webvert relies on Google advertising to drive visitors to the webvert.
A transactional landing page seeks to persuade a visitor to complete a transaction such as filling out a form or interacting with advertisements or other objects on the landing page, with the goal being the immediate or eventual sale of a product or service. If information is to be captured, the page will usually withhold information until some minimal amount of visitor information is provided, typically an email address and perhaps a name and telephone number as well – enough to "capture the lead" and add the prospect to a mailing list.
A visitor taking the desired action on a transactional landing page is referred to as a conversion. The efficiency or quality of the landing page can be measured by its conversion rate, the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action. Since the economics of many online marketing programs are determined by the conversion rate, marketers constantly test alternatives and improvements to their landing pages.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Doa Jerebu

tuhanku, pandulah mereka
ke jalan lurus menghala ke diri
bukan ke jalan sukar ke asalku
yang mulai berkarat dan tumpul
menghadapiMu pencipta segala
langit biru yang hilang
dan udara jernih tanpa serbuk
Friday, August 07, 2009
Bon Weekend!
Biasala, kepada yang kerja Isnin-Jumaat, esok & lusa adalah hari cuti/rehat.
Dah petang2 camni, kalau duduk kat ofis...macam biasala..waktu yang sesuai untuk menghabiskan masa dgn aktiviti2 meringankan kepala : update Facebook, blog, surf internet, borak2 etc..
Kepada sesiapa yang meronda2 dan terjebak masuk ke blog ini, saya ucapkan selamat berhujung minggu. Bak kata org Perancis..Bon Weekend!
How to Make Money from ClickBank
However some Malaysians decided to go through the "back door" and sign-up for a ClickBank account. I’m sure you remember this ebook by Gobala Krishnan called "Chapter-M"? Many Malaysians bought that a few years ago and tried their best to start their ClickBank business.
Why? Because ClickBank is the biggest affiliate opportunity, and by not using ClickBank you are losing out of many great products that you can promote to easily make money online. There are over 10,000 products according to ClickBank, which mostly consist of e-books, software and membership sites. ClickBank only sells digital products, and that is the best part!
Digital products, since they have no shipping cost or physical costs, have a very high profit margin. That's why the merchants can pay you up to 75% commissions to promote their products - you will never get this promoting a physical product, or promoting anything in the offline world.
Now any Malaysian can sign-up for a Clickbank account without backdoor methods, virtual offices or forwarding addresses. I think we should start taking advantage of this situation and make as much money as possible!
To make money from ClickBank is easy, if you know the secret formula.
1) Know How to Find the Best Products to Promote
As I said, there are over 10,000 products - so which one do you promote? Actually there is a formula to this, and almost all the information you want is already in the ClickBank website. You just need to know where to find it, and how to analyze the statistics and data.
2) Focus on One Market and Three to Five Products
You MUST select a market that you want to promote to. You cannot expect to promote one product related to Internet marketing and the other related to losing weight! This will just make you less focused and in the end you make no money at all!
Find one "niche" market that you feel comfortable with, and find out which are the top 3-5 ClickBank products. You can ignore the others as 80% of the sales will go to these top 5 items. You can't just promote one product because that will be a waste of your time. You cannot promote too many either, so 3-5 is the best number.
3) Write Web Pages That Sell and Convert
Yes, this is the most important part of it all. You can send the visitors or prospect directly to the product page with your affiliate link, and make money. However, if you want to maximize your commissions you need to create at least one page on your own, where you write a "product review" about these top 5 items, so the visitor can compare and decided which one is the best for him.
Your product review must be written in a way that it removes all doubts from your reader, convinces him that it is a great product, and make him want to buy immediately. The experts sometimes call these "landing pages" and they are proven to work better than blogs or any other type of website.
If you want more information on how to make money from ClickBank as a Malaysian, I strongly recommend you take a look at Rahsia ClickBank by Gobala Krishnan and Zamri Nanyan:
This is a really good package that explains everything I just told you in detail. Plus, they do all the hard work for you and give you "ready-made" ClickBank websites that you can use right away. All you need to do is upload it to your own web hosting, and then replace your ClickBank ID.
You can get more information on Rahsia ClickBank here:
Remember, ClickBank used to be closed to Malaysians and there is no guarantee that it will not happen again. However, if you start now you can take advantage of the situation and make tons of money online before most Malaysians even know what ClickBank is. Plus, if they ever close to Malaysia again, you will not be affected if you are already an affiliate who is making regular sales.
Rahsia ClickBank is a great way to get started, something I could honestly recommend to you:
Penyair WS Rendra Meninggal Dunia

JAKARTA: Renowned Indonesian poet W.S. Rendra, who also has many fans in Malaysia, died at a hospital here Thursday night after undergoing treatment for a month for coronary heart disease.
Indonesian media reported that Rendra, 74, also known as “Si Burung Merak,” died at 10.15pm. He leaves behind 11 children from three wives, two of whom he had divorced.
Born Willibrodus Surendra Broto Renda, he changed his name to Wahyu Sulaiman Rendra after embracing Islam in August, 1970, when he married his second wife, Sitoresmi Prabuningrat.
Besides his poems, Rendra is also well-known for his role in the religion-themed film, Al Kautsar, in the 1980s.
He will be buried at Bengkel Teater, Citayam, Depok, near here not far from the grave of his friend, Mbah Surip, the popular reggae singer who died last Tuesday.
Rendra had received several literary awards, among them the Penghargaan Adam Malik in 1989, SEA Write Award in 1996 and Penghargaan Achmad Bakri in 2006. -- Bernama
What Is A Landing Page?
"In online marketing a landing page, sometimes known as a lead capture page, is the page that appears when a potential customer clicks on an advertisement or a search-engine result link. The page will usually display content that is a logical extension of the advertisement or link, and that is optimized to feature specific keywords or phrases for indexing by search engines.
In pay per click (PPC) campaigns, the landing page will also be customized to measure the effectiveness of different advertisements. By adding a parameter to the linking URL, marketers can measure advertisement effectiveness based on relative click-through rates."

Thursday, August 06, 2009
Rahsia ClickBank untuk Rakyat Malaysia
Walaubagaimanapun, sesetengah rakyat Malaysia bercadang untuk menggunakan "pintu belakang" untuk mendaftar akaun ClickBank. Saya pasti anda masih mengingati ebook Gobala Krishnan yang bertajuk "Chapter-M", bukan? Ramai rakyat Malaysia telah membelinya beberapa tahun yang lalu dan mereka mencuba sebaik mungkin untuk memulakan perniagaan ClickBank mereka.
Kenapa? Kerana ClickBank merupakan peluang affiliate yang luas dan jika anda tidak menggunakan ClickBank, anda akan ketinggalan banyak produk yang hebat yang anda boleh promosikan dengan senang untuk menjana wang secara online. Terdapat 10,000 produk ClickBank yang hampir kebanyakkannya terdiri daripada ebook, perisian dan laman web keahlian. ClickBank hanya menjual produk digital dan itulah perkara yang paling menakjubkan!
Produk digital, memandangkan ia tidak mengandungi kos penghantaran atau kos fizikal, ia mempunyai nilai keuntungan yang sangat tinggi. Sebab itulah kenapa para peniaga mampu membayar komisyen sehingga 75% setiap produk yang anda promosikan - anda tidak akan pernah mendapat kelebihan ini jika mempromosikan produk fizikal atau apa jua produk di dunia offline.
Sekarang, sesiapa pun rakyat Malaysia boleh mendaftar akaun ClickBank tanpa perlu melalui kaedah "pintu belakang", pejabat virtual atau alamat palsu. Saya rasa kita sepatutnya sudah mula memanfaatkan kelebihan situasi ini dan jana wang sebanyak yang mungkin!
Untuk menjana wang melalui ClickBank adalah sangat mudah, jika anda mengetahui formula rahsianya.
1) Mengetahui Bagaimana untuk Mencari Produk Yang Perlu Dipromosikan
Seperti yang saya maklumkan, terdapat 10,000 produk - Jadi, yang mana satu yang anda ingin promosikan? Sebenarnya, terdapat formula yang boleh digunakan dalam kes ini dan hampir kesemua maklumat yang anda inginkan sudah tersedia di dalam laman web ClickBank. Anda hanya perlu mengetahui di mana anda perlu mencarinya dan bagaimana untuk menganalisa segala statistik dan data.
2) Tumpukan Hanya Kepada 1 Pasaran dan 5 Produk
Anda PERLU memilih sebuah pasaran yang anda ingin promosikan. Anda tidak boleh mempromosikan sebuah produk yang berkaitan dengan Pemasaran Internet dan sebuah lagi produk pelangsingan badan! Ini akan membuatkan anda kurang tumpuan dan akhirnya anda tidak dapat menjana satu sen pun.
Cari satu pasaran "niche" yang anda fikir serasi dengan anda dan kaji atau cari produk mana yang menjadi produk top 3-5 dalam ClickBank. Anda tidak perlu hiraukan produk yang lain kerana 80% daripada jualan dibuat melalui produk yang 5 teratas. Anda tidak boleh mempromosikan hanya sebuah produk kerana ia akan membazirkan masa anda. Anda juga tidak boleh mempromosikan terlalu banyak produk, jadi hanya 3 hingga 5 produk, sudah mencukupi.
3) Hasilkan Laman Web yang Dapat Menjual
Ya, ini merupakan bahagian yang paling penting. Anda boleh menghantar pelawat atau prospek secara langsung ke laman produk dengan link affiliate anda dan menjana wang. Walaubagaimanapun, jika anda ingin memaksimakan komisyen anda, anda perlu membina sekurang-kurangnya sebuah laman web di mana anda menulis sebuah "ulasan produk" mengenai produk top 5 ini supaya pelawat dapat membandingkan dan menentukan produk yang terbaik untuk mereka.
Ulasan produk anda mestilah ditulis dengan caranya yang tersendiri yang akan menghapuskan segala keraguan pembaca anda, menyakinkan mereka bahawa ia merupakan produk yang terbaik dan buatkan mereka ingin membelinya dengan serta-merta. Pakar memanggilnya sebagai "Landing Pages" dan ia terbukti lebih berkesan daripada blog ataupun jenis laman web yang lain.
Jika anda ingin mengetahui maklumat lanjut bagaimana untuk menjana wang melalui ClickBank sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya sangat menyarankan anda untuk melihat Rahsia ClickBank yang dihasilkan oleh Gobala Krishnan dan Zamri Nanyan:
Ia merupakan pakej yang sangat bagus yang menerangkan secara terperinci semua yang saya ceritakan sebentar tadi. Selain itu, mereka telah berusaha keras untuk menyediakan laman web ClickBank yang siap sedia untuk digunakan oleh anda. Apa yang perlu anda lakukan hanyalah meng'upload'nya ke dalam 'hosting' laman anda dan menggantikan ID ClickBank anda.
Anda boleh dapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai ClickBank, di sini:
Ingat, ClickBank pernah menutup penyertaan rakyat Malaysia dan tiada jaminan perkara ini tidak akan terjadi lagi. walaubagaimanapun, jika anda mulakannya sekarang, anda boleh mengambil kesempatan dengan situasi ini dan menjana ribuan ringgit secara online sebelum lebih ramai rakyat Malysia mengetahui kewujudan ClickBank. Selain daripada itu, jika mereka menutup kembali penyertaan rakyat Malaysia, anda tidak akan terjejas jika anda sudah pun menjadi affiliate yang sentiasa membuat jualan.
Rahsia ClickBank adalah satu jalan yang bagus untuk dimulakan, sesuatu yang saya sarankan dengan penuh kejujuran: