Sebenarnya ia adalah sebuah buku yang ditulis oleh Jim Slater berkenaan dengan pelaburan.
Di dalam buku The Zulu Principle ada mengatakan jika kita baca sebuah buku berkenaan dengan industri yang kita ceburi, maka kita akan jadi pakar di kalangan kawan-kawan kita. Jika kita baca 5 buah buku, kita pakar di kalangan jiran-jiran kita. Seterusnya baca 20-50 buah buku, kita pakar dalam kawasan taman perumahan kita. Dan begitulah seterusnya.
Berikut sebahagian dari sinopsis buku tersebut yang dipetik dari laman "" :
"Slater realised that the more you focus your attention on an area, in particular an area neglected by the wider community, the easier it would be to become an eminent expert in that subject. Slater's books are all about investing in small growth companies that are ignored by the institutions. He suggests a form of specialisation that will enable you to outperform the markets by gaining a massive competitive edge in areas neglected by most investors.
Slater says that small investors have a big edge over large ones. These are the advantages the little guy has:
- Less money to invest, which means they can invest with more effect in smaller companies.
- Their first ten selections are usually sufficient to constitute their entire portfolio, whereas institutions are handicapped by having to invest in hundreds of shares. As a result, the institutions are able to pay less attention to their individual holdings.
- Their circle of competence can be more meaningfully applied to a small portfolio."

Siapa tahu, dengan hanya mengamalkan satu tip mereka sahaja pun , mungkin anda dapat perbaiki tahap kewangan anda.
Selamat mencuba!
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