Previously I worked for Shell IT International (SITI) for two years.
I like working for Shell and really enjoyed the working environment in Shell. A lot of good memories. And good learning experience too.
But Shell top management have other things in their mind.
So they outsourced their IT employees worldwide: in Malaysia, Netherlands, UK, US and everywhere. AT&T won the $1.6 billion contract to provide advanced telecommunications services to Shell .
I'm part of that outsourcing thing, and I'm outsourced to AT&T.
For those you guys out there who are in the similar situation... Welcome to AT&T.

To Shell, good bye and good luck!
"Some memories are best forgotten.
Memory can change the shape of a room; it can change the color of a car. And memories can be distorted. They're just an interpretation, they're not a record, and they're irrelevant if you have the facts."
(Leonard Shelby, "Memento", 2001)
welcome to the outsourcing world...!! semua org outsource jer skrng.... aneh bin ajaib...! kira tukar company ler ko yek...? hehehe... well, sama2 ler kiter... hehehe...
Itu pasal la...
OK la, dari Royal Dutch gi American company.
Sebelum tu aku ada keje ExxonMobil setahun kat KLCC. Nak cuba join oil & gas lagi lepas ni.
Nak jadi orang minyak.
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