Sunday, November 29, 2009

Billions Siphoned?

Someone from MalaysiaKini put this comment:
-They are not leaders but robbers in suits who robbed the rakyat's money and then used the state apparatus to prevent anyone from bringing them to justice. Thieves, in the name of 'Agama, Bangsa and Negara'.

TheStar reported that - The Sarawak Cabinet has ordered an internal investigation into claims made by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that up to 60% of government allocations — running into billions of ringgit — meant for vital infrastructure projects between 2002 and 2008 have been misappropriated.

MACC investigations showed that only 40% of the money set aside by the Government were spent on the projects. The remaining 60% were said to have been “leaked elsewhere.”

Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam said yesterday the state government’s internal audit department would carry out a detailed probe into the allegations.

“The state government is investigating. We also want the MACC to give us a full and detailed briefing on these claims. We (state government) view these claims very seriously and if such abuse of government funds had taken place, we must find out who was responsible and take appropriate action against them.

“This is government money that comes from taxpayers. If indeed funds from the Government meant for projects for the rakyat and the poor had been misappropriated, the state government wants action taken,” he said yesterday.

Guess so many years of BN has brought this kind of problem...


hn said...

"Leaked elsewhere"? :D
Hmm..maybe someone should turn their head and look over 'here' too.

rk said...

people over 'there' got big 'cable'.. takut woo :)