What really mean is : I think I am right, therefore I am right.
C'est comme ça / C'est la vie.
What really mean is : I knew it, and you didn't, so I'm in the right.
Mon oeil.
My eye.
Mon cul, oui.
An extremely rude expression of disbelief. English equivalent of "My arse".
Et mon cul, c'est du poulet?
An even ruder expression of disbelief.
Ah bon?
(Not really at all. You are talking bullshit.)
J'ai raison.
I am right.
(Implying that someone who is wrong is not only wrong but also crazy..)
Vous avez tort.
You are wrong.
(An expression closely related to the word tordu, meaning twisted, so that to a Frenchman being wrong is basically equivalent to being a pervert.)
Je vous l'avais dit.
I told you so.
(So I'm doubly right. Not only am I right, I'm right about being right.)
Ah oui, vous avez raison.
Yes, you are right.
(OK, you win, but that doesn't mean to say I'm going to disappear out of your life and let you get away...)
That's all for today.
Happy learning ... :)

kalau french kiss tu tau lar.
tapi kalau american atau british kiss tu camner ek~?? sila explain, teeheehee....
wohoo..takut batal pose kalu explain :)
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